Sunday, March 24, 2019

Bedroom Life

A majority of this set was used with items from the Boardwalk Event. The event is a home and garden event that runs until April 15th, 2019.

The bedroom set is from Myth that includes the bed, dresser, ottoman, rug and room divider. It also includes a plant and a picture that I am not showing. The bed is available in both PG and Adult and the whole set comes in 9 different options.

My chairs are from Z.O.E and includes both adult size and child sizes along with 2 different colors of each. My fan is also from Z.O.E and is a classic southern ceiling fan.

My bookshelf is from Ella. It comes in dark and light versions and includes the bunny pillows, pictures on my wall, a wall divider, and the stack of books on the bed.

My tapestries are from [Refuge] and are not apart of Boardwalk Event. [Refuge] has a variety of amazing witchery tapestries that I am in love with.

My American Bulldog puppies are from [Rezz Room] and are a gacha item. I am using the sleeping puppy and the jumping puppy.

The hamper, clothes, and shoes are all apart of the *AR* Teen Bedroom set.

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