~Ground leaves Winter wa13 1LI each
~Cats Decor wa13 2LI
[Sweety Snowy] Winter Scene wa13
~Winter grass wild wa20 16LI
~Snowy ground wa13 3LI
Ice dryad bench 6LI
Side lay winter dryad 3LI
Sitting winter dryad 4LI
Sitting ice dryad 4LI
Now this is a new sponsor I am excited to tell ya'll about. Roawenwood is an amazing roleplaying décor. Now the creator states "Since 2006 dreaming and creating pieces to enhance your SL experience from furniture to clothing to accessories for role-play. Eclectic and diverse you never know what you might find exploring the Five-Blades main store sim. Mixing original mesh content with other well known content creators of SL it is a blending of all that makes this world rich and full of magic." That is what I love about Roanwood, no matter what the store you can find from basic décor to chore items to a snowman kit. You just never know what to find and the group is free to join with groupie's receiving special gifts and notices you can't get elsewhere, purchases over 5,000 L garner an automatic 20% group member discount.
Wanna Build a Snowman? 6LI
[Ethan] Brick with Hedge Fence . snowy . 6LI
[Ethan] Archway . snowy 2LI
Free Snow Piles 1LI each
I had to edit the picture in GIMP to get the snow effect since Secondlife snow looks like glow bugs to me.