All the items used to create my scene are from .:TM:. Creations. 1 of the sets is décor items only, while 3 are scenes. Everything is 100% mesh. Let me tell ya'll about each one.
wa21 "Pampery in the Snow" Scene
Now this scene is going to be in the main store after December 11th, 2019. It is a Winter scene placed on pile of snow with rocks and snowy bushes, ferns, plants, camping bags. The scene has so many animation (PG Version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses. ADULT Version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses). It is only 12LI. Extra in the pack is walkable snow base for decoration that is 1LI but if made bigger, as it is mesh, will raise the LI.
wa22 "Go and Love in Snow" Winter Scene
Now this scene is going to be in the main store after December 11th, 2019. It is a Winter scene placed on pile of snow with a snow moto (no motion only for decors), blanket, and pillows. All this is only 8LI. It also includes winter grass as a bonus décor item that is only 1LI. It comes in adult and PG versions with so many animations (PG Version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses. ADULT Version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses).
wa23 "Snowy love Words" Winter Scene
This scene is exclusive to the Look Event that runs from November 24th, 2019 until December 24th, 2019. It is a Winter scene placed on pile of snow with words "Winter Love". It has ropes, lights that actually light up, snow, plants, and cover pine leaves. It is only 12LI. It does include Ground Cover Winter Leaves that are only 1LI each. This scene comes in both PG and Adult and has so many animations (ADULT 162 anims: 39 PG+18 ADT couple poses-3 PG+2 ADT Scene Seq. for couple-Solo: 2 single F/M 48 poses, PG Version 126 animations: 39 PG couple poses - 3 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single F/M 48 poses).
This scene is exclusive to the Look Event that runs from November 24th, 2019 until December 24th, 2019. It is a Winter scene placed on pile of snow with words "Winter Love". It has ropes, lights that actually light up, snow, plants, and cover pine leaves. It is only 12LI. It does include Ground Cover Winter Leaves that are only 1LI each. This scene comes in both PG and Adult and has so many animations (ADULT 162 anims: 39 PG+18 ADT couple poses-3 PG+2 ADT Scene Seq. for couple-Solo: 2 single F/M 48 poses, PG Version 126 animations: 39 PG couple poses - 3 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single F/M 48 poses).
C13-C14 Xmas Decors
Now these next items are extremely amazing. All .:TM:. Creations are amazing, but 100% of the sales of these items is going to Relay For Life. They are exclusive to the SL Christmas Expo 2019 that runs from Dec 5th, 2019 until December 15th, 2019. "Xmas Mailbox" Christmas Presents with Decors C13 is a mailbox with presents and decors with lights effects. It also includes an adorable penguin and a small kitten that will make your heart go aww. It is only 8LI. Next is the "Xmas Cute Teddy Bears" Christmas Decor C14. It features Xmas word with teddy bears, poinsettias and lights effects. This one is only 9LI.