Friday, February 28, 2020


What am I wearing

My nails are done by Go Frock Yourself. They were apart of the Raindrops on Roses Hunt that ends on February 29th, 2019. These nails are the Gone Wild nails which have appliers for many mesh nails including Omega. These nails also have 11 different wildlife print pink textures.

After Midnight Fashion did my top. My top is actually apart of the lingerie set called Karen Lounge. It does include (but not seen) a pair of matching panties. This set is rigged for multiple mesh bodies and has a texture HUD with 8 different textures that you can mix and match.
AMF also made my amazing heels. They are the Evil Bunny Heels. These heels feature an evil bunny in the back and are rigged for high feet on multiple mesh bodies. They also include a color HUD with 6 different color choices.
If that wasn't enough AMF also made my amazing eyepatch. This eyepatch is unrigged so you can resize and fit to whatever head you are using. There is 2 different metal choices. This eyepatch is called Wicked Eyepatch and is in Black.

[Cowgirl Up!] made my freaking awesome shorts. They are called Ridem Shorts version 5 and come rigged for so many mesh bodies. Now do note there are 6 versions of these shorts so you will see them reappear in my blog again.

)O( CHARMED )O( made my stunning eyes. These are the Mal Eyes and they come with many appliers for mesh eyes, mesh eyes, and also baked on mesh (system layers). With 10 choices I had issues picking just one color to show off. So again you may see these eyes a lot more popping up in my blog since I am wearing color 6.

Exile:: made my hair and it is called For Now.

FOXCITY. did my lighting on my face. It is in the pack SkinFX II and is the Midnight Madness face light.

REVOUL did my face tattoo and my bandage on my nose. The set is called Bloody Bloom.

7 Deadly s[K]ins did my skin and freckles. This skin is the February group gift in pineapple. Both the freckles and skin are baked on mesh friendly. 

Décor Items

(actual name of set)
chair 2LI
dart board 7LI
 desk 5LI 
poster 1LI
 rug 10LI
 table 5LI
 TV centre 10LI
The Girls Room 
(actual name of set)
drawers 3LI
dressing table 8LI
mirror 3LI
poster 1LI
rug 7LI
vase décor 4LI
wardrobe 29LI
ChiMia:: @ Home and Garden Expo 2020
Marais Settee (White Muslin) 3LI
Marais Coffee Table 1LI
Supreme Travelling Trunk 1LI

Never Wish *NW*
Ethereal Backpack - Holo Pink, Black 23LI each (but made to wear)
Simply Fabulous - Clutter Set 1LI each
[Bad Unicorn]
Unicorn Skateboard (group gift) 7LI
Le Poppycock
*Peace, Love, Skate* Beauty & the Board (Board) 1LI
~UrBaN SpIrIt~
Trash On The Floor Decal 2 1LI
Fast Food Clutter 1LI each
[Rezz Room]
Bulldog Puppy Sleep 1LI
American Bully Puppy Jump 1LI
The Joint Coffee Shop - Trashed Table - One 3LI
The Jewel Garden
Rustic Barn Chair 3LI

A Black Sparkling Rose Alpha 1LI each

*SueSue* Wall Shelf Love Edition 4LI

Primrose Beanbag - PG 4LI

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