Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Family Dinner

Even when we organize the perfect family dinner something always goes wrong.

Rustic Diner Table
*This dining table comes with 2 different style chairs plus a fully decorated table and a hanging light. The chairs come with 6 different bento poses.*

Kitchen Scene
*This kitchen scene is a catch all table full of veggies and utensils. It has a top cup hanger for all your coffee mugs (they are included). It is an all in one set and is just for decor.*

Amara Kitchen Shelf
*This amazing kitchen shelf is a part of Tres Chic that runs from January 17th, 2022 until February 10th, 2022. This kitchen shelf comes in pink (pictured), beige, and blue. It includes all the decor that is picture on a shelf that you can hang anywhere in the kitchen or dining room.*

Bea Tray
*This tray set comes in silver (pictured), dark wood, and white. It has 2 candles that emit a soft glow, a clock, the letter B, a couple books and a mirror. This set is at the Dubai Event that opens up on January 20th, 2022.*

Cinderella Shoes 
*This item is 2 satin pillows with a pair of Cinderella's slippers on top. It comes in pink (pictured), black, and red.*

Swipe Rug Stripes
*This rug is amazing. It is like having 10 rugs into one. You can click the rug and change it into a different striped texture. I love that this rug isn't flat but has creases in it.*

*I am so glad to be able to showcase this store again. I showcased the store a few years ago when it was a clothing store but the creator has switched to decor items. I cannot wait to share with ya'll the amazing items that are being created.*

Brooklyn Chest Drawers & Chiffonnier
*This set includes with the chest drawers and the chiffonnier (which I found out is a half chest hehe).*

Dragonfly Artwork
*Now this amazing plaque made me think of how my loved ones no matter where we are are never apart from us. The plaque states "A dragonfly to remind me ... even though we are far apart ... your spirit is always with me ... forever in my heart" it comes with a dragonfly and stars.*

The animals in my scene are from Jian, mishmish, and Image Essentials. I have featured them all in many posts I have created.

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