Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Gem Mining and Portals?!

While walking through the woods I came across a bunch of gems. Following the gems I came across a portal and more gems. Don't worry I didn't touch any of them.

*This amazing event is a softer side dark style themed shopping market in Second Life. It features items that range from dark arts of witchcraft, pastel goth, NuGoth, Soft Victorian, Equoinox, Spring Fantasy, whimsical and spookiness in general. This event runs from April 15th, 2022 until April 30th, 2022.*

Shadowstone Portal
*This portal comes with the full setup, just the portal and just the base. It comes in 8 different stone colors plus 10 different metal colors. The portal itself comes in 8 different styles. All of these can be changed with the HUD. This is an exclusive during the event and after the event it will be in the store.*

Olde Pond
*This pond comes with fish inside plus a hillside that can be retextured to blend with any land you want. It is a season changing pond so if you click it you can choose winter , summer, or fall. You can also change the koi fish to one of 5 different koi options or opt for no fish. The blender ring has matching textures or you may use your own. This is an exclusive during the event, but after the event it will be in the store.*

Ostara Statue
*This amazing statue is a twist with 3 holes style statue that comes in concrete and porcelain. This statue is perfect for any art area or to hold candles or in my case gems. This statue is an event exclusive, but after the event you may find it in the store.*

Not in Event

Crystal Ore
*These amazing crystals come in 3 different versions. 2 are separates and 1 rock ore full of crystals. Each one of these is truly amazing and are resizable. They are also color changing if you click on them and you are able to toggle the sparkles on and off as well. These are a gift to group members. The group is free to join and offers 5% discount in store for all the vendors plus group gifts.*

Fallow Deer
Fallow Fawn
Bunny V3
Clover Patch

Easter Egg Scatter (Flower Ground Cover)


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