Amai Outfit
*This cute dress features a top and skirt combo. It is rigged for multiple mesh bodies and comes with a private diary to match. It comes in pink, blue, and purple. From April 22nd, 2022 until April 25th, 2022 it is on sale for 60L each as a part of the Sugoi weekend event. After the sale it will be at full price.*
PInku Lipstick
*This lipstick comes in a palette of 4 shades of pink. It is made for EvoX and is a HD lipstick. From April 22nd, 2022 until April 25th, 2022 it is on sale for 55L a part of the Glorious Days weekend sale. This sales event requires you to join the amazing Glorious Days group to get the discount. After the sale it will be at full price.*
Kawaii Corn Earrings
*These cute kawaii corns are earrings with hook backs. They are a new release that is on sale just until the 25th of April, 2022 as apart of the Sugio Weekend Sale. After that they will be full price. These earrings are unrigged so you can move them into place and come with a color HUD that features pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow corn colors. These corns have a smiling vat of butter on them and are perfect for any occasion. They can be resized so if you want them smaller or bigger you can do exactly that.*
Mystical Marble Of Light
*These amazing nails come in a black and pink version as well as a black and purple version. The HUD lets you pick which color you want and which nail applier you need. I love that you can make your nails and toes mix and match. These stunning nails are a part of the Ostara's Altar 10L hunt that runs until April 30th, 2022. This event is an awesome Spring style event for the witchy and fantasy lovers featuring exclusives as well as a 10L hunt from over 40 amazing designers.*
Photo Prop
Cherry Blossom