Friday, May 20, 2022

Jam Session for One

Sometimes we just need to lay down and let the music flow through our bones.

Jayde Punk Outfit
*This cute punk outfit comes rigged for so many mesh bodies. It includes a crop top tank top that reads "Pink is the new Punk", skirt, choker with a metal heart that is resizable and unrigged, pink bow headband with spikes that is resizable and unrigged, punk bracelet that comes in left and right and is unrigged and resizable, and punk shoes that are unrigged and resizable. It is material enabled so that does mean that it will reflect the environment and lighting.*

*These amazing headset come with the option for cat ears or flat. Also an option for around the neck as well. It includes many different sizes and is resizable so you can fit it on most heads. It comes with a HUD that works with all BinaryHearts amazing items with the option  to customize the inner and outer headband, the ear cushions, the sides, the outer ear pieces, the speakers, the letters, the logo which you can even use a custom logo or one of the 8 amazing logos provided, and also the LED lights. Did I mention these headphones have LED lights in the kitty ears and the logo area that cycle through the rainbow. You can also control the glow, environment, materials, and brightness of the headset. So many options in one HUD.*


Clover Fishnet Tights

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