Friday, May 27, 2022

Secret Garden

I have a garden that is just for me to enjoy. Now I can share it with ya'll too.

Pond Decor
*Everything inside the hedge wall in this scene is a part of this amazing trinket machine (previously gacha machine). It is exclusive to the Secret Garden Event that runs until May 31st, 2022. After the event you will be able to find it in the store, but why wait. It is 50L per try and has 16 amazing items to collect with 1 rare. Everything is modifiable so you can resize to fit your needs. This set includes cute hippo, frogs, and fish fountains as well as garden decor like rocks and grass. The hippo in my garden is the rare in the set and includes the hippo stone stature, the pond with lily pads, the willow tree and the dark green base.*

Added for Filler
Dill Hurst Leafy Hedge


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