I stumbled across these super cute kitties and reached out to showcase them on my blog. The company is called, Ani-Cats, and they are very interactive. I have went through a few different cat breedables and this one is by far the most interactive brand I have come across.
Here is some information from the website to explain the cats:
Ani-Cats offer a wonderful breeding experience due to the choices applied in development. We've been working well over a year to bring Ani-Cats to eager breeders in SecondLife. We've worked to understand features that breeders appreciate, and to stay away from implementations that trigger consternation. Ani-Cats offer a very low load experience for both the region server and the user experience. This is made possible by use of Animesh for animating movement and by creating efficient code that runs only when necessary. Our pets don't suffer from body-part separation when moving around. By not hogging the server's resources, our pets don't inhibit each other, or other creator's pets, from working properly.