Gemma Ruffle Dress
*This amazing dress is an exclusive to the Cheeky WoW Event that runs until February 25th, 2022. This dress is rigged for multiple mesh bodies (best to try a demo first) and comes with a color HUD that features 15 different glittery colors for the ruffles. *
Gemma Spiked Earrings
*These earrings are a gift at the Cheeky WoW Event that runs until February 25th, 2022. These earrings are made for the dress and come with a HUD to match them to your dress. These earrings are unrigged so you can adjust them to fit.*
Framed Vintage Posters
*These vintage posters are on sale during the Cheeky69! Event that runs until February 25th, 2022. These posters come with a black or oak frame and are in America and Europe City styles. They are resizable so you can make them however big and are modifiable so with a bit of skill you can change the frame colors.*
Designer Bento Poses
*These poses come with 5 different poses and each are bento so your hands will respond as well to the pose. These poses are apart of the Cheeky WoW Event that ends February 25th, 2022.*